Drivers Tag

Continuing last week's topic of Non-Owned Auto Third Party Liability Another important aspect of "Non-Owned Auto" insurance for business owners is delivery. Unlike errand-runs during work hours in their own vehicles, delivery by your employees in their own vehicles is NOT included in your optional "Non-Owned Auto" coverage. If your employees perform deliveries for your...

Do your employees run errands for you during business hours driving their personal vehicles? (Other than for delivery) If so, and one of them becomes involved in a car accident that is their fault, your business is held liable as a third party! Here are some steps to ensure you are...

An extremely important, yet sometimes easy-to-forget step in updating your business' information is that of informing your insurance agent or broker of any changes to the following: 1) Any/all changes of business name, partnership or entity(ies). 2) Adding/Deletion of a new location. 3) Adding/Deletion of a new commercial vehicle or new driver. 4) Adding/Deletion of Additional Insured(s) such as: a bank,...