07 Apr A One-Minute Tip from the Special Investigations Fraud Unit (Video Surveillance)
This week’s tip comes from a fraud investigator on a special investigation unit, and what this investigator revealed, is that businesses that have surveillance cameras throughout their business (of course, except for the bathroom) are finding that it’s a great deterrent against claims from an employee or from a customer.
But also, it’s very important to note, that you want to make sure, as an owner, you are the one involved in deleting these tapes! What the fraud investigator is finding is that many claims are being reported AFTER these tapes are being deleted.
So in summary, the key is to make sure that YOU are involved in deleting these tapes. Do not tell or have your employee get involved with that.
Having surveillance video cameras is great for deterring claims, and if you can, you either want to keep those tapes for quite a while, or you want to store them on an outside server, or the “cloud”.
If you have any tips for me that I can pass on to my clients, please let me know!