Premiums Tag

One of the most significant factors used to determine your business' Workers' Compensation Insurance policy Premium (or rate) is the number of Workers' Compensation Claims you have or had against your business (this is used to determine your business' Experience Modification, or Ex. Mod.). These claims are incidents reported by your employees when they...

Insurance carriers utilize your Payment History as one of the factors in determining whether or not your business is going to have a Rate Increase in your Renewal Premium. Payment History involves: - Notice of Cancellation(s) - Late Payment(s) - Cancellation Reinstatement(s) *Becoming more limited by the insurance companies* An insurance claim filed during a lapse in your coverage from inadvertently...

An IIPP, or Injury and Illness Prevention Program, is a requirement of Title 8 (CA Regulations) for California Employers. This program can greatly reduce your business' work safety claims, and your Workers' Compensation Ex. Mod. and Premium! A good IIPP will include the following: - Training Requirements - Responsibility - Compliance *A safety standard violation can result in a...