01 Apr What You Do Not Recall – You Will Not Get Paid For! (Keeping A Video Inventory)
If you close your eyes, can you recall what is in every room of your house? What’s inside every cabinet? Where every piece of jewelry is? Antiques? And considering your business, can you remember your entire inventory or all of your office’s content. Well now imagine doing all of that right after a high-stress event, such as an earthquake, fire or theft.
What you do not recall – You will not get paid for! This is where your cell phone may the perfect solution!
Most mobile phones, including cell and smart phones, have photo and even video capabilities. Utilizing these features, you can extensively document all of your belongings or inventory by photographing and videoing each item. A video inventory gives you the option to narrate while filming, painting the clearest picture possible of your belongings.
Use your mobile phone’s video camera to record a video of your belongings/inventory.
Document the (estimated) date each item was purchased, the cost of the item, and the current estimated value.
Save the file off-site! You can store it on a jump drive in a safe box or upload it to a remotely-accessible storage system, such as iCloud.
The BENEFITS of a video inventory are:
1. The video serves as proof of ownership for items without a receipt
2. It ensures items will not be forgotten or skipped over
3. It can expedite your claim resolution
*Remember – for high value items, such as jewelry and antiques, make sure you have the correct floaters.